Love and lust Poems

Popular Love and lust Poems
Love and Lust
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I have never given love much thought, it was the pleasure, that I always sought. Moments I spent, in entwining arms, attractive odour, and cunning charms.

Tempting warm lips, and sweet kisses, long soft moans, and lusty wishes. Shivers of pleasure, that made me high, a pounding heart, and breathless sigh.

Then I saw a sight I had never seen, an earthly angel, or a heavenly being. A saintly visage, bright and demure, with a slim figure, but fully mature.

I stood bewildered, in total suspension, but my mind was focused with rapt attention. As if the angel, had shot an arrow, it pierced my heart, and reached my marrow.

I wished I was, in lovers hall, where lovers dwell, and the maidens call. From the fountain of love, they all would drink, where the doves are white, and roses are pink.


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Recent Love and lust Poems
Love and Lust
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I have never given love much thought, it was the pleasure, that I always sought. Moments I spent, in entwining arms, attractive odour, and cunning charms.

Tempting warm lips, and sweet kisses, long soft moans, and lusty wishes. Shivers of pleasure, that made me high, a pounding heart, and breathless sigh.

Then I saw a sight I had never seen, an earthly angel, or a heavenly being. A saintly visage, bright and demure, with a slim figure, but fully mature.

I stood bewildered, in total suspension, but my mind was focused with rapt attention. As if the angel, had shot an arrow, it pierced my heart, and reached my marrow.

I wished I was, in lovers hall, where lovers dwell, and the maidens call. From the fountain of love, they all would drink, where the doves are white, and roses are pink.


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