Love and life Poems

Popular Love and life Poems
Against Honor Killing
by Irfan Ali

What kind of honor, what kind of pride,
That steals a life, and lets justice slide,
For love’s sweet crime, blood is spilled,
This cruel game, where mercy is killed.

Old traditions, customs so bleak,
Where women are stories, forbidden to speak,
No right to live, no dreams to bloom,
What kind of society, what kind of doom?


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A Friend -03
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Have you ever

Soothed the pain

Of the weary?

Have you ever


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Let's Love One Another
by Jonathan Tafreg

Walking again, gain, gain, gain - babe,
I'm your man not your brother,
Give me no pain, pain, pain, pain - babe,
Let's love one another.

I need your love, need your joy and happiness,
I need your time, need your light in darkness,
I need your kiss, need your hug and softness,
I need your humble romcom and uniqueness.


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by Ambuj Mishra

Every morning
I embark upon an expedition
In search of some meaning
To make sense of it all
There are innumerable dunes
Of varying size and complexity
On this infernal plane of existence
I hop on,
From one to another
Under scorching heat of passions


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A Chase After Love
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

All of a sudden

I felt a hue

And a cry

Silent, buried

Deep within me.


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Recent Love and life Poems
Against Honor Killing
by Irfan Ali

What kind of honor, what kind of pride,
That steals a life, and lets justice slide,
For love’s sweet crime, blood is spilled,
This cruel game, where mercy is killed.

Old traditions, customs so bleak,
Where women are stories, forbidden to speak,
No right to live, no dreams to bloom,
What kind of society, what kind of doom?


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A Moment Without You
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Here I am
Living with my heart
that has been beating
in a never-ending way,

Resonating to the
lyrics of wind
blowing among the trees
that chat so silently
in forests distant, unknown.


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A Friend -03
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Have you ever

Soothed the pain

Of the weary?

Have you ever


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A Fragrant Glue (The Saga Of My Sati-7)
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

You came again to me-

In the moonlit night,

Once more in March.

Like the other nights,


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A Chase After Love - 02
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Days passed,
Months passed,
Years of waiting-

For someone might
Turn up a day.

Like a pomegranate
In the mountains high
I had been waiting,


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Love and life From Members
  • Jonathan Tafreg
    Jonathan Tafreg (2 poems about Love and life)
    October 04,1985 - Mara, Tanzania
  • Ankit Kumar
    Ankit Kumar (1 poems about Love and life)
    India 31st August 1994
  • Ambuj Mishra
    Ambuj Mishra (1 poems about Love and life)