Louis armstrong Poems

Popular Louis armstrong Poems
What Happened to My Music
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

I turned on my radio this morning...
To hear my favorite song...
And then I asked myself, I asked...
“Where has all my music gone?”

Where’s my Ellis Marsalis...
Where’s my Fats Domino...
Where’s all my great music...
Where did the musicians all go...


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Poetry From The Soul
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We make music for our loved ones...
It’s like poetry from the soul...
There’s no need to make a request...
For it’s your heart I wish to console...

Whether you like it jazz or blue...
No matter what the sound...
The goal is to have a tranquil effect...
To calm your anxiety down...


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All Hail The King!
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Back in 1949, the Krewe of Zulu
elected their brand new king...
And to everyone celebrating Mardi Gras
this man would finally bring...
The kind of Mardi Gras revelry
no New Orleanian had ever seen...
Hail King Louis Armstrong
and his beautiful Mardi Gras queen...

They landed on a tugboat


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Recent Louis armstrong Poems
What Happened to My Music
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

I turned on my radio this morning...
To hear my favorite song...
And then I asked myself, I asked...
“Where has all my music gone?”

Where’s my Ellis Marsalis...
Where’s my Fats Domino...
Where’s all my great music...
Where did the musicians all go...


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All Hail The King!
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Back in 1949, the Krewe of Zulu
elected their brand new king...
And to everyone celebrating Mardi Gras
this man would finally bring...
The kind of Mardi Gras revelry
no New Orleanian had ever seen...
Hail King Louis Armstrong
and his beautiful Mardi Gras queen...

They landed on a tugboat


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Poetry From The Soul
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

We make music for our loved ones...
It’s like poetry from the soul...
There’s no need to make a request...
For it’s your heart I wish to console...

Whether you like it jazz or blue...
No matter what the sound...
The goal is to have a tranquil effect...
To calm your anxiety down...


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