Loss of a loved one Poems

Popular Loss of a loved one Poems
Do you see me?
by mika bandy

What would you say if you could see me now?
Feelings were never your strong suite,
but you’d hug my shaking body, and you’d rub my back.
You’d fix a bowl of ice cream.
You’d fix two.
Couldn’t let me eat alone.
You’d finally asked why I was crying, but I’d never be able to tell you.
What would I say?


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Thirty-five days
by mika bandy

It’s been eleven months since you passed,
eleven since my first Christmas without you,
eight since I got my license,
six since my senior prom,
six since my graduation,
five since Shane turned seven,
three since mom turned forty-seven,
two since I turned eighteen,
in ten days, it’ll be thanksgiving,
and in thirty-five days it'll be a year.


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Recent Loss of a loved one Poems
Thirty-five days
by mika bandy

It’s been eleven months since you passed,
eleven since my first Christmas without you,
eight since I got my license,
six since my senior prom,
six since my graduation,
five since Shane turned seven,
three since mom turned forty-seven,
two since I turned eighteen,
in ten days, it’ll be thanksgiving,
and in thirty-five days it'll be a year.


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Do you see me?
by mika bandy

What would you say if you could see me now?
Feelings were never your strong suite,
but you’d hug my shaking body, and you’d rub my back.
You’d fix a bowl of ice cream.
You’d fix two.
Couldn’t let me eat alone.
You’d finally asked why I was crying, but I’d never be able to tell you.
What would I say?


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Loss of a loved one From Members
  • mika bandy
    mika bandy (2 poems about Loss of a loved one)
    September 1, 2005