Losing Poems

Popular Losing Poems
by Author Reinvented


I think I'll learn how to dance.
I might bake a cake or call a friend,
Or Maybe give my mother another chance,


I want to take a break,
I'll take the day off work, go to a movie,


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by Hannah Woerner

Hands reaching out but heads turned away
Wanting to save but not to acknowledge the work it may take
Wanting to help but not to take the baggage of a heart burdened by its own hate
Reaching for help and finding turned faces
Two faces the fake reaching out its gaze while the compassion takes the back page
Harboring pain turned to rage and a fight I will not win not now and not in the end
Turning away as I’ve taken all I can take
Running as I’ve given all I gave
Turning smiling masks toward day as ripped shreds of pain cloak the night in tears and obscure lines
Keep calm and quiet to hide the warring fronts inside


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Recent Losing Poems
by Author Reinvented


I think I'll learn how to dance.
I might bake a cake or call a friend,
Or Maybe give my mother another chance,


I want to take a break,
I'll take the day off work, go to a movie,


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by Hannah Woerner

Hands reaching out but heads turned away
Wanting to save but not to acknowledge the work it may take
Wanting to help but not to take the baggage of a heart burdened by its own hate
Reaching for help and finding turned faces
Two faces the fake reaching out its gaze while the compassion takes the back page
Harboring pain turned to rage and a fight I will not win not now and not in the end
Turning away as I’ve taken all I can take
Running as I’ve given all I gave
Turning smiling masks toward day as ripped shreds of pain cloak the night in tears and obscure lines
Keep calm and quiet to hide the warring fronts inside


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