Long distance Poems

Popular Long distance Poems
90. I often stop to think about where you might be
by Kea Campbell

I often stop to think about where you might be.
I stare into space and wonder about how we buried our dreams without saying a word.
And when the came and you said you were moving, I made sure to leave you first.
It's the insecurity of enjoying life alone that guts me to my core and rattles me deeper than bone.

I can't say I don't think about us 5 years ago.
Drunk under the stars with your arm as my pillow.
It wouldn't be true to say you didn't treat me right.
But it wouldn't be false if I said that sometimes when I was with you, I felt colder than winter's driest nights.


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by Emily Nally

I find it funny how much taller you are than me,
yet our hands where the same size.
The way I would have to stand on my tiptoes
but your feet were much smaller.

I remeber when you went way
when the hugs and good nights stopped
You thought you where safe
But I knew they where there.


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Recent Long distance Poems
90. I often stop to think about where you might be
by Kea Campbell

I often stop to think about where you might be.
I stare into space and wonder about how we buried our dreams without saying a word.
And when the came and you said you were moving, I made sure to leave you first.
It's the insecurity of enjoying life alone that guts me to my core and rattles me deeper than bone.

I can't say I don't think about us 5 years ago.
Drunk under the stars with your arm as my pillow.
It wouldn't be true to say you didn't treat me right.
But it wouldn't be false if I said that sometimes when I was with you, I felt colder than winter's driest nights.


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by Emily Nally

I find it funny how much taller you are than me,
yet our hands where the same size.
The way I would have to stand on my tiptoes
but your feet were much smaller.

I remeber when you went way
when the hugs and good nights stopped
You thought you where safe
But I knew they where there.


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Popular Poets about Long distance From Members
  • Emily Nally
    Emily Nally (1 poem about Long distance)
    14th August 2003 - United kingdom, Manchester