He's a lion among men
His roar cannot be silenced
He'll fight till the bitter end
he'll defend his country
He'll defend his people
His voice is the voice of all our voices, his heart is that of an ancient king and his soul has a powerful will,
the louder he roars the more lions come out from the silence of the darkness of oppression,
Inspiring sheep to become lions and inspiring lions to become much more. He may not be the king of our country but he's the king of the people's hearts.
By © Vincent Von ellesmere 2019.
You can't call yourself a leader
that's the prerogative of others
Leadership wrangles, a nation in turmoil,
Chaos and confusion, no end to the quarrel,
As leaders fight and bicker, the people suffer,
Their hopes and dreams, lost in the clutter.
With each side fighting for control,
The nation's future, left in a black hole,
Their interests come first, the nation comes last,
The people cry out, but their pleas fall fast.
One day, the trees sought a king,
A ruler their hopes would bring,
In the land where trees stood tall,
But in their quest, a cautionary call.
To the olive tree, they first appealed,
"Be our king," they fervently revealed,
But the olive, revered and grand,
Declined, oil slipping through its hand.
Hello Mr. Man with a big stomach,
Are you pregnant or obesity?
Breaking wooden chairs,
Is that not too much?
Are you the owner of this city?
I remember your face,
A couple of years ago,
Your eyes deep down your sockets,
But now they are popping out,
works best
as a co-operative
Why the obsession
with leadership?
I don't need it
in my happy life-sailing ship
Leadership wrangles, a nation in turmoil,
Chaos and confusion, no end to the quarrel,
As leaders fight and bicker, the people suffer,
Their hopes and dreams, lost in the clutter.
With each side fighting for control,
The nation's future, left in a black hole,
Their interests come first, the nation comes last,
The people cry out, but their pleas fall fast.
You can't call yourself a leader
that's the prerogative of others
One day, the trees sought a king,
A ruler their hopes would bring,
In the land where trees stood tall,
But in their quest, a cautionary call.
To the olive tree, they first appealed,
"Be our king," they fervently revealed,
But the olive, revered and grand,
Declined, oil slipping through its hand.