Lagos Poems

Popular Lagos Poems
The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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Recent Lagos Poems
The Struggle
by Samson Oloto

They told us to grow
Told us to be men
Responsibilities abound
All you have to meet
We wake up at dawn
Eyes heavy from a lack of sleep
We enter the streets
With millions of people like us
All in a race, and a constant struggle
To meet up with expectations


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Lagos From Members
  • Samson Oloto
    Samson Oloto (1 poems about Lagos)
    July 2, 1990 - Lagos, Nigeria