Lack of identity Poems

Popular Lack of identity Poems
by Eliza Connolly

only ever Broken.
inherently Flawed.
Defective Damaged Deficient
Blemished Marred and Spoiled
A fundamental Failure with frames
Unhinged, the Truth laid bare.
though always wanting, only faulty It remains.

But maybe…


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Recent Lack of identity Poems
by Eliza Connolly

only ever Broken.
inherently Flawed.
Defective Damaged Deficient
Blemished Marred and Spoiled
A fundamental Failure with frames
Unhinged, the Truth laid bare.
though always wanting, only faulty It remains.

But maybe…


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Popular Poets about Lack of identity From Members
  • Eliza Connolly
    Eliza Connolly (1 poem about Lack of identity)
    I teach English and history to high school kids and enjoy writing.