Kittens Poems

Popular Kittens Poems
A Place Where We All Belong
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

As the sun begins to wake...
And the day begins to break...
Newborn babies commence to stir...
A hungry kitten lets out a purr...

Soon the bacon starts to sizzle...
The sun dries last night’s drizzle...
As the day embarks anew...
Coffee and chicory begin to brew...


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Questions I Ask Myself
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Will the sun always shine...
Even on a rainy day...
Will there always be sunlight...
So the kids come out to play...

Will the birds always sing...
So their music fills the air...
Will you always love me...
Will you always care...


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Recent Kittens Poems
Questions I Ask Myself
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Will the sun always shine...
Even on a rainy day...
Will there always be sunlight...
So the kids come out to play...

Will the birds always sing...
So their music fills the air...
Will you always love me...
Will you always care...


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A Place Where We All Belong
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

As the sun begins to wake...
And the day begins to break...
Newborn babies commence to stir...
A hungry kitten lets out a purr...

Soon the bacon starts to sizzle...
The sun dries last night’s drizzle...
As the day embarks anew...
Coffee and chicory begin to brew...


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