Kitchen Poems

Popular Kitchen Poems
I Love To Bake Pie!
by Everleigh Blackburn

In a cozy kitchen, I find my bliss
Mixing flour, sugar, butter with a gentle kiss
Rolling out dough with loving care
Filling it with fruit, a treat so rare

The scent of cinnamon fills the air
As I bake my pie with love and flair
Golden crust, bubbling fruit inside
A masterpiece of flavour, my joy and pride


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Recent Kitchen Poems
I Love To Bake Pie!
by Everleigh Blackburn

In a cozy kitchen, I find my bliss
Mixing flour, sugar, butter with a gentle kiss
Rolling out dough with loving care
Filling it with fruit, a treat so rare

The scent of cinnamon fills the air
As I bake my pie with love and flair
Golden crust, bubbling fruit inside
A masterpiece of flavour, my joy and pride


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