Out of the depths, throbs.
Flutes make the flutists, and pachyderms
Skin our ancestral drums.
A panther-leap and gazelle-sway dance
Caress our restless feet.
Our young-and-old hearts palpitate
With the eloquence of incensed orators.
Frenzy falls like weeping rain upon us,
Charming our hearts with the melody of
Esoteric chants.
in a realm of sounds
purple gold orange and reds
swirl amid vast greens
Out of the depths, throbs.
Flutes make the flutists, and pachyderms
Skin our ancestral drums.
A panther-leap and gazelle-sway dance
Caress our restless feet.
Our young-and-old hearts palpitate
With the eloquence of incensed orators.
Frenzy falls like weeping rain upon us,
Charming our hearts with the melody of
Esoteric chants.
in a realm of sounds
purple gold orange and reds
swirl amid vast greens