Jeffrey dahmer Poems

Popular Jeffrey dahmer Poems
Room 213
by Frank Costabile

His heart - a cold, jagged stone on a winter night.

Solace through man's greatest depths; a tombstone mind stirs so deep.

That if his eyes were doors, they'd lead to a moonlit grave.

Seduction creeps; the touch of a cold embrace.

For they won't be coming home, lest you contain the will.


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Recent Jeffrey dahmer Poems
Room 213
by Frank Costabile

His heart - a cold, jagged stone on a winter night.

Solace through man's greatest depths; a tombstone mind stirs so deep.

That if his eyes were doors, they'd lead to a moonlit grave.

Seduction creeps; the touch of a cold embrace.

For they won't be coming home, lest you contain the will.


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