What seems to be so special
about these days?
The mornings are so long,
and the nights are so weak.
A matter of few days,we talk about
and deep down there’s no end.
There are different kinds of people
Some grabbed the books for pleasure,
where a few learnt how to cook,
Most of them are fuckin busy with
The earth wearing that elegant green,
The sky colored with that beautiful painting,
The wind carrying that romantic air,
The drops messing a bit with the hair.
And When we walk on those muddy land,
With your hand in ur Love's hand.
The troubling dust are far well gone,
Hum kyu us ujale ke khwab lie baithe hai..
Raat khtm hone ko hai magar chirag lie baithe hai...
Wo nafraton ke raheem ki gardish me hai magar
Bane phirte hai pandit, muh me azaan lie baithe hai..
Wo jaante hai ke sb ek hai...
Isilie geeta aur Quran lie baithe hai...
Laathi se upar kalam rakhte hai
Laathi se upar kalam rakhte hai..
Isilie hath me kaagaz sareaam lie baithe hai...
Beyond the crest
Of the peaceful land of ours,
Of love, compassion and humanity
Stares at us cruelly an untrusted masquerading face
With long red greening teeth, hands blood smeared
In their favourite back-stabbing game waged on since long
Unseen and unhidden from us, but exposed to global eyes.
The so called dogma
Of the people beyond, gone astray
We are bequeathed on the nation,
And the nation bequeathed to us.
Have pride they said,
For it is the only one in the universe.
Culture! Culture! Cried the painter,
Oldest of the old.
A single stroke, a blazing hue,
He drew as he was told.
Beyond the crest
Of the peaceful land of ours,
Of love, compassion and humanity
Stares at us cruelly an untrusted masquerading face
With long red greening teeth, hands blood smeared
In their favourite back-stabbing game waged on since long
Unseen and unhidden from us, but exposed to global eyes.
The so called dogma
Of the people beyond, gone astray
आज भी उन्ही सवालों में सोता हूँ
खुद को ही खुद से खोता हूँ।
ना जाने ये उम्र कब ढल जाएगी
ये खुशियां आंसुओ में बदल जाएगी।
आँखें खुलते ही ईश्वर हम आपको पाते हैं
ज़िम्मेदारियों का बोझ उठा कर खुद को आपसे दूर ले जाते हैं।
आज भी आपका पुत्र हर परिस्थिति को सोचता हैं
कही आप मेरी दुःख से दुखी न हो जाओ इसीलिए आपके सामने होते हुए भी मुँह झुका कर आंसू पोछता हैं
उन् आंसुओ में मंद मंद खुशियों को गाता हूँ
मैं आज भी उन्ही सवालों में खुद को सोया हुआ पाता हूँ
Hum bhi agar panchi hote to aakash dekhte
Saari duniya so rahi hoti magar hum prakash dekhte
Mausam jo bhi hota, par apni chah me aksar
Hum apne pankh khol dete aur log humari udaan dekhte
Hum makan dekhte
Hum, makan dekhte
jinme kitni aankhe taras rahi hai udne ko
jahan in cheekhon ka naam nahi hai rukne ko
Carrying kids on their shoulders
No slippers in their feets
Bright sun - high heat
They started moving towards their homes
No one noticed their wounds
No one noticed bumps under their feets
They were hungry
They didn't sleep
What seems to be so special
about these days?
The mornings are so long,
and the nights are so weak.
A matter of few days,we talk about
and deep down there’s no end.
There are different kinds of people
Some grabbed the books for pleasure,
where a few learnt how to cook,
Most of them are fuckin busy with