Maybe it was too huge of a dream,
a fantasy that I desired deeply upon,
poured out my heart completely,
bare and naked for all the eyes to see.
and amidst those blinking pupils,
were those of beast never seen,
monsters that did things insane.
Yet, blinded by my desire, I was blind to the truth around.
The earth stopped me from moving, but I leaped across and went,
the wind held me back, yet I fought until the end,
Let people speak
Let the people speak.
You just live your life
Do what you want to do,
Don't listen to such people
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break you
Who want to destroy you
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break your confidence
Remember the pain,
Remember the sorrow.
All the false promises
Of a brighter tomorrow
Grief of losing your loved ones,
And all the smiles you've ever faked
Laughter you've shared with people,
While your heart deeply ached.
Gaslight poured upon Berlin
Masking the cobbled tapestry
A smoke screen for the bourgeoisie
To blinding the rich from happenings
Sitting under dying neon
Are the local girls and whores
Who’s anger-coaxed blood is quickly mopped
By the smokey-glazed floor
I forgot to crack a smile
Out of love and sometimes bleak
do they create me to existence.
Together with my colleague,
Who's lying there in a distance.
The ear-splitting sound of pottery
Cutlery all over the place.
And I – I was sat upon the corner.
So I wouldn’t escape, just in case.
Maybe it was too huge of a dream,
a fantasy that I desired deeply upon,
poured out my heart completely,
bare and naked for all the eyes to see.
and amidst those blinking pupils,
were those of beast never seen,
monsters that did things insane.
Yet, blinded by my desire, I was blind to the truth around.
The earth stopped me from moving, but I leaped across and went,
the wind held me back, yet I fought until the end,
You already had the best
but somehow in ignorance
you were not at all impressed
So where have you met this man?
This unknown man in your blood
This man that dry your riotous river,
This man that mount mountain in your mind
This remnant; this man,
This man this remnant,
This remnant of your man....
Your father
This soleless sandals of your parent,
Let people speak
Let the people speak.
You just live your life
Do what you want to do,
Don't listen to such people
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break you
Who want to destroy you
Who want to bring you down
Who want to break your confidence
बोलने दे लोगों को
बोलने दे लोगों को ।
तू बस अपनी ज़िंदगी जी,
कर जो करना है तुझे,
ना सुन ऐसे लोगों की तू ,
जो तुझे गिराना चाहते हैं,
जो तुझे तुटता हुआ देखना चाहते हैं ,
जो तुझे ख़त्म करना चाहते हैं,
जो तेरा हौसला गिराना चाहते हैं,
जो तेरा आत्मविश्वास गिराना चाहते हैं,