Humour Poems

Popular Humour Poems
The Nigerian Politician
by Joseph Ogbonna

Bloated belly, swollen cheeks,
and a sunken stiff neck on robust torso.
Yet well fitted in flowing apparels;
falling and being raised frequently
from side to side.
Obscene opulence is your delight,
your prestige and your pride;
amassed unlawfully by the pen,
ever wet for your deception
and thievery.


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The skeleton
by Baramundi Roy

The skeleton lay there upon the sea bed.
It was all on its own but had no head.

Not liking the thought of being this way
His mind wandered back to another day.

A time when his body possessed a head;
very much alive and was not yet dead.
When upon the Madame Guillotine he lay
waiting the blade to fall and end his day.


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Ode to Telethons
by Brady Jones

Oh good cause, why must you taunt me with your ethical ways?
You tempt us into turning over my hard earned money for “charitable reasons”.
You torture me with emotional testomonials, coaxing me even closer to a generous donation.
Animals in need, a country in crisis, it is all so moving!
You put a number on the screen forcing my hand ever closer to the phone.
You bombard me with more!
A child’s dying wish, a starving veteran out on the streets, let me help!
Finally they ask me one simple question.
Will you help?


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I'm a drifter
by Baramundi Roy

I have it in writing and it’s been confirmed.
It made no difference how much I squirmed.
The tests were done and the consultant decided
that I am a drifter and completely misguided.

I make no plans and just drift through life
which causes great stress to my lovely wife
who is a great planner and thinks ahead
and did not like what the consultant said.

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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I dread Monday —
Unlike any other day.
Tumbling upon it — with eyes groggy,
And limbs bound tight with festive strings,
Accompanied by the foulest halitosis from a wayward breath,
With all the liquor and litter,
From the dizzying heights of the debauched weekend —
Reminds me of the journey from
Banterland to Queryland.

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Recent Humour Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I dread Monday —
Unlike any other day.
Tumbling upon it — with eyes groggy,
And limbs bound tight with festive strings,
Accompanied by the foulest halitosis from a wayward breath,
With all the liquor and litter,
From the dizzying heights of the debauched weekend —
Reminds me of the journey from
Banterland to Queryland.

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It was my turn to cook today
by Baramundi Roy

I hammered the steak ‘til it spread out wide
shrinking back again in the pan as it fried.
Along with the chips and red wine to please,
I added the onions, mushrooms and peas.

This was the secret to my meal's success
but it left kitchen in rather a mess!

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My wife’s a good looker
by Baramundi Roy

My wife’s a good looker, she can spot anything.
No matter if it’s well hidden she’ll find the thing.
I look in the cupboard unable to see
and she comes along and points it out to me.

Then, out of nowhere it appears before my eyes.
I am sure it was hiding there in disguise.
She must have X-ray vision just like Superman;
I don’t know why she bothers with this old man.

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I'm a drifter
by Baramundi Roy

I have it in writing and it’s been confirmed.
It made no difference how much I squirmed.
The tests were done and the consultant decided
that I am a drifter and completely misguided.

I make no plans and just drift through life
which causes great stress to my lovely wife
who is a great planner and thinks ahead
and did not like what the consultant said.

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Creaky bed
by Baramundi Roy

Two creaky crocks slept upon a creaky bed
when 'Are you asleep my love?' One of them said.
Then rolled over she held him in her embrace
and he lay there gazing upon her lovely face.

They were aroused and passion started to soar
and that old bed began to creak even more.
Creak, creak, creak, the creaking rhythm increased
and it only stopped when their love making ceased.

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