Humerous dark poetry Poems

Popular Humerous dark poetry Poems
The Banquet
by Tammy Darby

Late one nice warm evening
Came a very loud knock upon my door
It was a complete stranger
Tired bewildered and lost
Now imprisoned in my dark magical woods

A gracious host of course
I bowed, extended my hand and stated
Please come in, dear friend take a seat and let’s discuss pressing matters
Such as the ghost to my left moaning and groaning


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by Tammy Darby


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Recent Humerous dark poetry Poems
The Banquet
by Tammy Darby

Late one nice warm evening
Came a very loud knock upon my door
It was a complete stranger
Tired bewildered and lost
Now imprisoned in my dark magical woods

A gracious host of course
I bowed, extended my hand and stated
Please come in, dear friend take a seat and let’s discuss pressing matters
Such as the ghost to my left moaning and groaning


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by Tammy Darby


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