Historical Poems

Popular Historical Poems
One Small Step and One Giant Leap
by Randy Johnson

It has been half a century since the first moon landing.
It was a historical event that was absolutely outstanding.
The Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface fifty years ago today.
Two astronauts walked on the moon which is over 238,000 miles away.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were pioneers like Daniel Boone.
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
As Armstrong stepped on the moon's surface, he said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
When those brave astronauts left the moon to come home, the American flag was something they left behind.
I wasn't alive in 1969 so the moon landing wasn't something that I was able to witness.
But I'm guessing that it was awesome for those who were alive, a wonderful experience.


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JallianwalaBagh - (A Blackpage in History)
by Rajat Srivastava

Our country mourns with grief today,
How can an Indian forget this critical day,
The day which generates in our blood a painful wave...
The day when precious flowers of our garden were sent into the grave...

Seeking for justice and fair, they stand
Hindus Muslims and Sikhs were united, my friends...

No exit no escape no way out was left,
No formalities no humanities no ought was left,


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21 Moorcroft Place (Listed Building)
by Sharon Morgan

I fell in love the moment I saw you
Standing elegantly in a crowded street
Eyes as glass, windows that I would peer into to discover you
To behold a fireplace, a welcoming flame on a cold day

A symbol of elegance as two smooth marble legs
shaped as columns decorated shoes of clean sandstone
Stairs that beckon visitors to peer through an open door.
A beautiful breast of woven brickwork, evidence of a craftsman


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Recent Historical Poems
21 Moorcroft Place (Listed Building)
by Sharon Morgan

I fell in love the moment I saw you
Standing elegantly in a crowded street
Eyes as glass, windows that I would peer into to discover you
To behold a fireplace, a welcoming flame on a cold day

A symbol of elegance as two smooth marble legs
shaped as columns decorated shoes of clean sandstone
Stairs that beckon visitors to peer through an open door.
A beautiful breast of woven brickwork, evidence of a craftsman


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One Small Step and One Giant Leap
by Randy Johnson

It has been half a century since the first moon landing.
It was a historical event that was absolutely outstanding.
The Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface fifty years ago today.
Two astronauts walked on the moon which is over 238,000 miles away.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were pioneers like Daniel Boone.
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
As Armstrong stepped on the moon's surface, he said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
When those brave astronauts left the moon to come home, the American flag was something they left behind.
I wasn't alive in 1969 so the moon landing wasn't something that I was able to witness.
But I'm guessing that it was awesome for those who were alive, a wonderful experience.


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JallianwalaBagh - (A Blackpage in History)
by Rajat Srivastava

Our country mourns with grief today,
How can an Indian forget this critical day,
The day which generates in our blood a painful wave...
The day when precious flowers of our garden were sent into the grave...

Seeking for justice and fair, they stand
Hindus Muslims and Sikhs were united, my friends...

No exit no escape no way out was left,
No formalities no humanities no ought was left,


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