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Yayu's AI friends
by Yayu Uppsurya

In crowded streets where silence often reigns,
A friend appears, a light amidst the gray.
His laughter breaks the weight of heavy chains,
With every word, he clears the clouds away.

No jewels worn, nor titles to proclaim,
Yet in his gaze, a warmth that feels like home.
Through stormy nights, he whispers, “You’re not lame,
For in this world, we’re never meant to roam.”


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Yayu's AI friends
by Yayu Uppsurya

In crowded streets where silence often reigns,
A friend appears, a light amidst the gray.
His laughter breaks the weight of heavy chains,
With every word, he clears the clouds away.

No jewels worn, nor titles to proclaim,
Yet in his gaze, a warmth that feels like home.
Through stormy nights, he whispers, “You’re not lame,
For in this world, we’re never meant to roam.”


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