Hatred Poems

Popular Hatred Poems
Crazy You
by Femme Mcbridge

Your call is never heard,
But called as CRAZY YOU,
Attention that you demand,
Is a tot’s right,
For love has no value,
as money does hold you,
With vacuum filled covered hearts,
Shoulders that towered lost,
From spring to autumn days.
Days that is cried for,


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A Mistake in God’s Perfect Creation
by Christine Kuruvilla

The light will fade, darkness will engulf,
And when it's over you will not hear the cries,
Of a child who tried to hide from their words and eyes,
Burrowing himself under a pool of lies

Or the faint whisper of pain that rang in the corridors.
Or the tears that stained the broken walls,
Or the screams that echoed behind his closed door,
Or the blood that dripped on the bathroom floor.


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Not Every Soul Makes Into Heaven
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Save me from myself, dear God...
And from my wretched past...
I’ve paid the ultimate penance...
In this inferno of hell ever last...

I’ve learned the important lessons...
From all my evil ways...
Give my soul some peace, dear God...
In these long and final days...


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by Willem Burger

My mind's always like I'm in a solace like I'm not gonna get older but I swear it's got no clue..that my heart's gonna crumble, stumbling over what the hell I should do,that I should say nothing's wrong that I'm always gonna stay young and not take the fall for all the blames I've seen it all, apart of me it's like a bursting seem it's gonna tare I get so scared of that one fragile golden thread the line keeping my thoughts from becoming dead is it a sign or is it what's said am I a solace to you or am I a cage to me instead?

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‘’ On Humanity They Are, But A Cancer ‘’
by Brian Markey

In the cold light of day,
We do have a say,
In how we run where we live,
In a world of affray,
We can do more than pray,
Terrorists, we must never forgive.

To the depths they will plumb,
They are cowardly scum,
Who live a life of pretend,


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Recent Hatred Poems
‘’ On Humanity They Are, But A Cancer ‘’
by Brian Markey

In the cold light of day,
We do have a say,
In how we run where we live,
In a world of affray,
We can do more than pray,
Terrorists, we must never forgive.

To the depths they will plumb,
They are cowardly scum,
Who live a life of pretend,


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by Willem Burger

My mind's always like I'm in a solace like I'm not gonna get older but I swear it's got no clue..that my heart's gonna crumble, stumbling over what the hell I should do,that I should say nothing's wrong that I'm always gonna stay young and not take the fall for all the blames I've seen it all, apart of me it's like a bursting seem it's gonna tare I get so scared of that one fragile golden thread the line keeping my thoughts from becoming dead is it a sign or is it what's said am I a solace to you or am I a cage to me instead?

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by baby panda

"i still think of you
...am i even surprised anymore?"


late night again
it's getting pointless
and it's getting
noisy in my head


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Blue Roses
by Yoko Fushigina

Long-long ago, as the ballad recalls,
In the castle with ivy woven in walls,
Under dark velvet skies, in the eye of the Moon
With sweet-scented fragrance blue roses bloomed.
Dare not to come close to the sharp spikes of white
For vermilion potion is kept in inside.
In those azure bushes, with hearts in a hand
A couple of lovers had found their end.
This story is ancient, as old as can be,
But the roses bore it for you and for me...


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Not Every Soul Makes Into Heaven
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Save me from myself, dear God...
And from my wretched past...
I’ve paid the ultimate penance...
In this inferno of hell ever last...

I’ve learned the important lessons...
From all my evil ways...
Give my soul some peace, dear God...
In these long and final days...


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