Hardships Poems

Popular Hardships Poems
restless dreams
by Kiia Leiviskä

In my restless dreams, Im free
I feel no pain or sorrow.
In those dreams
my mind is free of all troubles,
my body doesnt ache with such despair and loneliness, and my heart is full of love
not being torn apart with sadness.

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The antidote
by Patrick Price

This eerie sensation coursing
My veins tightening and pulsing
An icy grasp against my throat
Searching for the true antidote

Over and over, no result
Not a single soul to consult
Suffering alone in darkness
Searching in dreams of avarice


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The dancing pencil in my room
by Garima Patel

The dancing pencil in my room,
Wobbling around the lines it goes,
Ups and downs, it plans my doom,
The lyrics of my life it composes.

The dancing pencil in my room,
Ticking off friends adds to my list of woes,
Shades gray my world of gloom,
Hoping seeds of success, it sows.


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odd comfort
by Kiia Leiviskä

Sometimes the loneliness feels like theres a hole inside of me,
one that cannot be filled with anything but the comfort I find in sadness.
And if I let that sadness and sorrow go
what do I have left?
I fear I have grown so attached to that comfort of being sad
that I will never be able to let go of it.

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The Gray Days
by Marcus Malkowicz

I know it’s the afternoon
I know the sun exists
Though what I see
Only lives a lack of color

A lack of color
That’s so unappealing
Yet so striking
It screams without a soul


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Recent Hardships Poems
The Gray Days
by Marcus Malkowicz

I know it’s the afternoon
I know the sun exists
Though what I see
Only lives a lack of color

A lack of color
That’s so unappealing
Yet so striking
It screams without a soul


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odd comfort
by Kiia Leiviskä

Sometimes the loneliness feels like theres a hole inside of me,
one that cannot be filled with anything but the comfort I find in sadness.
And if I let that sadness and sorrow go
what do I have left?
I fear I have grown so attached to that comfort of being sad
that I will never be able to let go of it.

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restless dreams
by Kiia Leiviskä

In my restless dreams, Im free
I feel no pain or sorrow.
In those dreams
my mind is free of all troubles,
my body doesnt ache with such despair and loneliness, and my heart is full of love
not being torn apart with sadness.

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The dancing pencil in my room
by Garima Patel

The dancing pencil in my room,
Wobbling around the lines it goes,
Ups and downs, it plans my doom,
The lyrics of my life it composes.

The dancing pencil in my room,
Ticking off friends adds to my list of woes,
Shades gray my world of gloom,
Hoping seeds of success, it sows.


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The antidote
by Patrick Price

This eerie sensation coursing
My veins tightening and pulsing
An icy grasp against my throat
Searching for the true antidote

Over and over, no result
Not a single soul to consult
Suffering alone in darkness
Searching in dreams of avarice


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