Haiku Poems

Popular Haiku Poems
by Somali Mukherjee

Dogs shall keep barking;
Still, never let them vex you;
It's your life, for sure.

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Lighting One Candle
by Yosa Buson

Lighting one candle
with another candle--
spring evening.
Translated by Robert Hass

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Whitecaps On The Bay
by Richard Wright

Whitecaps on the bay:
A broken signboard banging
In the April wind.

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Autumn Joy and Nostalgia
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Orange blooms at dusk
goblins in the pumpkin patch
rich fall's come again

ghosts haunt dark cool nights
scarecrows wave in harvest fields
sad trees weep colors

devils on doorsteps
trick or treat candy cane lane


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I Want To Sleep
by Masaoka Shiki

I want to sleep
Swat the flies
Softly, please.

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Recent Haiku Poems
by Somali Mukherjee

Dogs shall keep barking;
Still, never let them vex you;
It's your life, for sure.

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The Uncanny Fact
by Somali Mukherjee

The more you envy,
The better will I become,
It sounds strange although.

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A Standstill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon
that's peeping at the window


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Sunrays Slanted
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

powder puff clouds laze
o'er fields of hued floral flame
mellow sun glimpses

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Burnt Orange
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

magenta magic
recently escaped eve's skies
darkening to plum

crows caw on the wing
as pink sun turns red-orange
day goes up in flames

mango berry crush
mahogany shadows move


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