Good bye Poems

Popular Good bye Poems
Amazing Grace!
by Adelana Victor

If only I had known the last time I saw you was going to be my last,
I would have hugged and held onto you so tightly,
Not even the Grim Reaper would have been able to rip you from my grip.

If only I could see you smile once more,
I would immortalize it in a photograph,
And hang it in the hallway of Eternity.

During the short time I knew you,
You put more smiles on my face


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Recent Good bye Poems
Amazing Grace!
by Adelana Victor

If only I had known the last time I saw you was going to be my last,
I would have hugged and held onto you so tightly,
Not even the Grim Reaper would have been able to rip you from my grip.

If only I could see you smile once more,
I would immortalize it in a photograph,
And hang it in the hallway of Eternity.

During the short time I knew you,
You put more smiles on my face


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Good bye From Members
  • Adelana Victor
    Adelana Victor (1 poems about Good bye)
    January 20, 2003 - Ijebu Ode