Gay romance Poems

Popular Gay romance Poems
Dear Friend
by D. M. Dale

Hello old friend, how have you been?
Once so familiar- and now, where to begin..
Distance, time and space, gone from all- without a trace
A vision once shared, a life to live, fully prepared, gone now
But not forgotten.

Not forgotten.

How could it be, truly, that you and me, were never meant to be when we both believed we were so earnestly.


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Recent Gay romance Poems
Dear Friend
by D. M. Dale

Hello old friend, how have you been?
Once so familiar- and now, where to begin..
Distance, time and space, gone from all- without a trace
A vision once shared, a life to live, fully prepared, gone now
But not forgotten.

Not forgotten.

How could it be, truly, that you and me, were never meant to be when we both believed we were so earnestly.


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Popular Poets about Gay romance From Members
  • D. M. Dale
    D. M. Dale (1 poems about Gay romance)
    April, 90- NYC