Reclining on the cold black leather couch
Preparing my contrived views of what’s life's about
My weaknesses, objectives, dislikes, perspectives, and fears
And to the mix for drama's sake
I will add a spattering of false tears
His eyes were full of gray cold dissection
Bemused expression and advice
I accepted without any objections or argument
His professional and profound perspective of my life
Of laughing winds that wound round my mind
Or the forgotten years
As I casually stroll through time
I view the world with my usual bitter eyes
I don’t dream anymore
Of loving words whispered in my ear
The touch of a kind hand
My world is dark and foreboding
My breath drips with revenge
They said it was she who granted your desires
A frenzied mind trapped in dreams
Sprung from the cradle where madness was sired
Playing the sharps and flats of spells
Nights murmurs and sighs
With skilled fingers on a cursed lyre
Laughing as she strummed taunt strings
Preying on their weakness and greed.
It was muttered she emerged from the silent dark
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They said it was she who granted your desires
A frenzied mind trapped in dreams
Sprung from the cradle where madness was sired
Playing the sharps and flats of spells
Nights murmurs and sighs
With skilled fingers on a cursed lyre
Laughing as she strummed taunt strings
Preying on their weakness and greed.
It was muttered she emerged from the silent dark
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Of laughing winds that wound round my mind
Or the forgotten years
As I casually stroll through time
I view the world with my usual bitter eyes
I don’t dream anymore
Of loving words whispered in my ear
The touch of a kind hand
My world is dark and foreboding
My breath drips with revenge
Reclining on the cold black leather couch
Preparing my contrived views of what’s life's about
My weaknesses, objectives, dislikes, perspectives, and fears
And to the mix for drama's sake
I will add a spattering of false tears
His eyes were full of gray cold dissection
Bemused expression and advice
I accepted without any objections or argument
His professional and profound perspective of my life