Forget Poems

Popular Forget Poems
But Not To Forgive And Forget
by gabriella Blake

Please remember who I am. Please remember that no matter how much time passes you will always be my person. Never forget that. Never forget me. Never forget we.

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Watching the Sun
by Kailey Norris

Watching the sun lengthens a single moment.
There is no regret of the past,
No anxiety for the future.
A moment of beauty
A method to “forget”.
Forget mistakes made,
Paths taken.
Forget upcoming decisions,
New experiences.


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Recent Forget Poems
Watching the Sun
by Kailey Norris

Watching the sun lengthens a single moment.
There is no regret of the past,
No anxiety for the future.
A moment of beauty
A method to “forget”.
Forget mistakes made,
Paths taken.
Forget upcoming decisions,
New experiences.


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But Not To Forgive And Forget
by gabriella Blake

Please remember who I am. Please remember that no matter how much time passes you will always be my person. Never forget that. Never forget me. Never forget we.

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