Fatal attraction Poems

Popular Fatal attraction Poems
Forbidden Fruit
by erato mymuse

The poet in me is still so young and free
and does not always behave properly.
I’ve not learned to harness his power yet
and hope you don’t find his poems a threat.

You are a woman of great intrigue to me
One of beauty and enchanting mystery
The very first time I held you in my arms
The feelings I felt triggered many alarms


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A cuddle from my Muse
by erato mymuse

I felt the touch of your body pressing so close to me
and it caused my pulse to beat in loving ecstasy.
I was unable to control the beating of my heart
and it was so sad when our bodies had to move apart.

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Recent Fatal attraction Poems
A cuddle from my Muse
by erato mymuse

I felt the touch of your body pressing so close to me
and it caused my pulse to beat in loving ecstasy.
I was unable to control the beating of my heart
and it was so sad when our bodies had to move apart.

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Forbidden Fruit
by erato mymuse

The poet in me is still so young and free
and does not always behave properly.
I’ve not learned to harness his power yet
and hope you don’t find his poems a threat.

You are a woman of great intrigue to me
One of beauty and enchanting mystery
The very first time I held you in my arms
The feelings I felt triggered many alarms


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