I was relaxing in my sunroom, one very peaceful afternoon,
Enjoying the fables of Aesop, and all the flowers abloom.
The view from the many windows, was gold sunshiny delight,
With blossoms and rich greenery, and many birds in flight.
Every now and then I chuckled, at comical characters I met,
And the morals that they learned, and would not soon forget.
I whiled away the afternoon, becoming lost in a daydream,
I was relaxing in my sunroom, one very peaceful afternoon,
Enjoying the fables of Aesop, and all the flowers abloom.
The view from the many windows, was gold sunshiny delight,
With blossoms and rich greenery, and many birds in flight.
Every now and then I chuckled, at comical characters I met,
And the morals that they learned, and would not soon forget.
I whiled away the afternoon, becoming lost in a daydream,