Deathful void replaced my pulse time ago
Cold and shivering only wanting ember
Darkness surrounds and suffocates the soul
No way out, trapped inside forever
Light pours in the window helping me
Ignoring the light, the mind is plagued
Am I not worth saving or even the effort of
Tell me as where I stand, honest to life
If my pulse were to stop, who would be broke
Not broken as in mentally, but personally
Deathful void replaced my pulse time ago
Cold and shivering only wanting ember
Darkness surrounds and suffocates the soul
No way out, trapped inside forever
Light pours in the window helping me
Ignoring the light, the mind is plagued
Am I not worth saving or even the effort of
Tell me as where I stand, honest to life
If my pulse were to stop, who would be broke
Not broken as in mentally, but personally