I swear by the ferryman's pole, my soul, the tale I tell is true
And if you have a soul, I pray, the same won't come to you, Boys
The same won't come to you
In the West, I say, back in the day of the Talon River crossing
When the Claw came down it tore the ground upon which we'd been standing
I say where we'd been standing
In the rocks and rills of the Shorthorn Hills, the cattle men they would gather
In the Fall of the year when the river runs clear and cider's sweet and peaches turned to brandy
I swear by the ferryman's pole, my soul, the tale I tell is true
And if you have a soul, I pray, the same won't come to you, Boys
The same won't come to you
In the West, I say, back in the day of the Talon River crossing
When the Claw came down it tore the ground upon which we'd been standing
I say where we'd been standing
In the rocks and rills of the Shorthorn Hills, the cattle men they would gather
In the Fall of the year when the river runs clear and cider's sweet and peaches turned to brandy