Y’all come crying,
When I’m dying.
Y’all are squealing,
While I’m dealing.
Not this, not that,
No way, you say,
The pain that I hide in my eyes
You will never see from a thousand miles
Days and nights pass me by
Everywhere I look I see you,
I wish I was blind.
Thoughts of romance haunts me
Black is the only colour I wear
Broken, shattered, tormented consciousness
Don't need the sun anymore darkness is what I crave now.
Take me back to the gloomy misty weather maybe that's my true habitat
Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful,
You and I were beautiful too.
As turn the pages of memories with you,
I’m left with a warm feeling in my heart,
Of all those moments spent with you.
Those long conversations by the lake,
Those moments we had under the muted street light,
Those long walks by the beach,
All these I’ll never trade for any treasure in the world.
Yes this year has been rough. But so has every other year. The only difference: the people I always expected to be there were nowhere to be found. The only difference is I didn’t have those familiar shoulders to cry on. I thought you were forever. I guess I would have known better. I always should’ve known better.
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I think I'll learn how to dance.
I might bake a cake or call a friend,
Or Maybe give my mother another chance,
I want to take a break,
I'll take the day off work, go to a movie,
Y’all come crying,
When I’m dying.
Y’all are squealing,
While I’m dealing.
Not this, not that,
No way, you say,
I think I'll learn how to dance.
I might bake a cake or call a friend,
Or Maybe give my mother another chance,
I want to take a break,
I'll take the day off work, go to a movie,
Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful,
You and I were beautiful too.
As turn the pages of memories with you,
I’m left with a warm feeling in my heart,
Of all those moments spent with you.
Those long conversations by the lake,
Those moments we had under the muted street light,
Those long walks by the beach,
All these I’ll never trade for any treasure in the world.
The pain that I hide in my eyes
You will never see from a thousand miles
Days and nights pass me by
Everywhere I look I see you,
I wish I was blind.
Thoughts of romance haunts me
Black is the only colour I wear
Broken, shattered, tormented consciousness
Don't need the sun anymore darkness is what I crave now.
Take me back to the gloomy misty weather maybe that's my true habitat
No matter how much you love it, a flower will soon decay,
For it's beauty last but a moment, and will be forgotten when it fades away.
No matter how much you love it, friendship cannot last forever,
It's duration is like that of a flower, and like one, it too will wither.
No matter how much you miss it, no matter how many tears you shed,
What's forgotten is lost forever, and forever will it stay dead.