Education Poems

Popular Education Poems
My Father
by Anita Guindon

He was a jolly little man full of fun and laughter,
He played jokes on his fellow men
And to him it did not matter.
Education he had not,
But what he learned he never forgot.
He wrote what he knew all about cancer
so that someday, there will be an answer.
He joined the Canadian Medical Corps.
And served in the Second World War.
He risked his life, to save others,


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Through The Dark Sod—as Education -
by Emily Dickinson

Through the Dark Sod—as Education—
The Lily passes sure—
Feels her white foot—no trepidation—
Her faith—no fear—

Afterward—in the Meadow—
Swinging her Beryl Bell—
The Mold-life—all forgotten—now—
In Ecstasy—and Dell—

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Teaches Of Children
by Sr. Darwin D. Smith

And to reason of corruption
the public I aware.
For there is lack of teaching
in this poem I bare
Is education worthless when
there is no sense of direction
Where do they as children fit in,
I do so share...
And to reasons of corruption
children are exposed to wrong doings


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Arithmetic On The Frontier
by Rudyard Kipling

A great and glorious thing it is
To learn, for seven years or so,
The Lord knows what of that and this,
Ere reckoned fit to face the foe --
The flying bullet down the Pass,
That whistles clear: "All flesh is grass."

Three hundred pounds per annum spent
On making brain and body meeter
For all the murderous intent


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Bay Arena
by Dean Young

When I worked in the bookstore in Berkeley,
upstairs some woman would sing, alluring
as lava, husky as tar, sometimes it'd be
a whole band driving us a little crazy
downstairs because even good music
heard through a ceiling gets nerve-wracking,
a constant strain to make a whole of it,
catch the lyrics slurred by plumbing prattle
and footfall like you're getting complicated
directions over a bad connection or trying


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Recent Education Poems
Here It Is
by Brady Stewart

Words words words
Who feels better
I want to see those Rais-ed hands,
Those bless-ed smiles,
My classroom babies
Here they are
The words words words,
What mom and dad sent you here for,
Chalk on board,


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Writer of Manifestos
by Ian McCleary

My Drawing 1 professor introduced me to the 99 Dada Manifestos of Tristan Tzara. I believe that most of what stuck with me from my art education was my inner desire to rebel.
And what I write today are the continuation of Dada Manifestos started in the 1910's. Dada Manifestos that lay bare the lack of creativity in today's culture and what is needed to change that.

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Box to box
by Michael Amato

The words gamboled away from the worksheet,
From the desk it evanesced, made retreat,
Lecture rambled on, the desk left the floor,
My cell now bereft, immurement no more,

Inhuman eyes; I ran tossed from demise,
The box was the path, they proselytized,
To stray from it fatal, lost in the try,
I won’t fit your labels, cross from the lies,


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Chemistry Class
by Khayelihle Bongiswa Gamedze

Now it seems they see that Chemistry
Is much more worse than pythagoras and
That they have to deal with questions
Much difficult than balancing equations.
And they have to master the periodic table
While no one cares if they are able.
And they have to master protons and neutrons,
Not to leave out anions and ations.
And to speak of the Avogadro's number;


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My beautiful garden
by Roger Haule

My Beautiful Garden

That garden of beautiful flowers,
That garden of pleasant rays,
That garden of strong roots,
To cherish in light years,
Is jerk of living souls.

My garden of beautiful flowers,
In mid Of photogenic process,


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