Easter Poems

Popular Easter Poems
Easter Lilies
by Mary Dow Brine

Oh! beautiful lilies, so fair and sweet,
Ye opened your leaves for the Easter morn,
And helped us rejoice that the winter had passed,
And helped us to welcome the spring's glad dawn.

Oh! sweet white lilies, your bloom was blest,
For ye shone out with the Easter sun;
The beautiful emblems of sorrow past,
Of joy and gladness, and victory won.


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Easter Hymn
by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

'Tis morn in Joseph's garden now
Where death and night and darkness were,
The lilies still in sadness bow
Around the Saviour's sepulcher,
Angels in shining garments clad
Speak first the word that mortals heed
'Till Nature, wrapt in gloom, is glad;
The Lord is risen, is risen indeed.

Gladly they bear the message on


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by Tom Lathara

Dawn darkness of the Judea desert gasped.
Crushing grip of the primal serpent withered.
The prophesied Light of the world emerged,
As the boulder at the sealed tomb, off it rolled.

The blessed disciples, John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Wouldn’t miss this cardinal event, each imprinting
Their unique stamp, leaving us a panoramic perspective
as the eternal hope emerged triumphant from the sealed tomb.


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Gold Bricks and Heavenly Hash
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

When it’s Easter time...
The parents are out shopping...
We wait patiently all night...
For the bunnies to start hopping...

The Easter eggs are all dyed...
The fake grass is bright green...
Will we get my favorite candies...
Well, that remains to be seen...


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Sunday Holiday
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lanes are still;
and church music drifts.
Brilliant noon.
Fragrant rose,
Cat and purple butterfly,
Hearts are filled with love.

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Recent Easter Poems
Easter Lily Parade
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

It's a burst of spring
the Easter Parade of hues!
Lilies dance on streets
in creams and reds, deep green phase
dazed orange yellow bliss maze.

Heartbeat of rebirth
while the flaming redbird sings
amidst subtle scents.
Colorful celebration


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by Tom Lathara

Dawn darkness of the Judea desert gasped.
Crushing grip of the primal serpent withered.
The prophesied Light of the world emerged,
As the boulder at the sealed tomb, off it rolled.

The blessed disciples, John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Wouldn’t miss this cardinal event, each imprinting
Their unique stamp, leaving us a panoramic perspective
as the eternal hope emerged triumphant from the sealed tomb.


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Gold Bricks and Heavenly Hash
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

When it’s Easter time...
The parents are out shopping...
We wait patiently all night...
For the bunnies to start hopping...

The Easter eggs are all dyed...
The fake grass is bright green...
Will we get my favorite candies...
Well, that remains to be seen...


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The Lord's Amber Day
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Cloudless skies were clear as the purest sapphires,
And all about was budding, fulfilling secret desires,
Spring was peeking out, with its many-colored eyes,
On sweet saffron Sunday, the day of love's surprise!

Glittery sunshine radiance, poured in from the east,
And in the orange shadows of later, they had a feast,
Red cardinal was singing, in his pine green mansion,
And full blooms bounced in plum and cream fashion.

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Sunday Holiday
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lanes are still;
and church music drifts.
Brilliant noon.
Fragrant rose,
Cat and purple butterfly,
Hearts are filled with love.

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