Dissolution Poems

Popular Dissolution Poems
The Lonely Garden
by Juan Delgado II

The rose is black
it’s petals bleed
Nurtured from a
poisoned seed
Thorns that prick an
innocent soul
Extracting parts from the
Stem so long, sinuous
beauty disingenuous


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Recent Dissolution Poems
The Lonely Garden
by Juan Delgado II

The rose is black
it’s petals bleed
Nurtured from a
poisoned seed
Thorns that prick an
innocent soul
Extracting parts from the
Stem so long, sinuous
beauty disingenuous


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Dissolution From Members
  • Juan Delgado II
    Juan Delgado II (1 poem about Dissolution)
    Brownsville Texas november 17, 1970