Her innocence caught my attention...
I held out my sturdy hand...
She grabbed it just so lightly...
We laid down together in the sand...
We gazed into each other’s eyes...
For what seemed like quite a while...
I professed my feelings for her...
She offered a demure smile...
Wherever corruption prevails,
The corrupt are much more active,
The system remains ‘systematized’
The honest turn inert and inactive.
Bribery takes a high, long stride
On the saddle of the rotten system,
The innocents are crudely run over
Their ideals have a postmortem.
I am plump, buxom
Of a pillow
Relatively happy
To shoulder the load
Of only a single head,
And carry the dust
and dirt oily
all through the weeks.
I am plump, buxom
Of a pillow
Relatively happy
To shoulder the load
Of only a single head,
And carry the dust
and dirt oily
all through the weeks.
Wherever corruption prevails,
The corrupt are much more active,
The system remains ‘systematized’
The honest turn inert and inactive.
Bribery takes a high, long stride
On the saddle of the rotten system,
The innocents are crudely run over
Their ideals have a postmortem.
Her innocence caught my attention...
I held out my sturdy hand...
She grabbed it just so lightly...
We laid down together in the sand...
We gazed into each other’s eyes...
For what seemed like quite a while...
I professed my feelings for her...
She offered a demure smile...