Discrimination Poems

Popular Discrimination Poems
by Adelaide Rhead

Why do you think you're better
If your culture is not the same?
Yes, maybe you seem different
But deep inside all are the same.

Why do they think they're better?
If one is black and one is white,
If one is man and one is woman.
They are the same, that is their right.


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Ode to The World
by Oreo de Walkers

The most complex thing about humanity.
The justification for idiocy and the motive for love.
The notions fill our head that the world is roses and doves.
We reached 18 hoping it was.
Opening up to people who did not get love.
When will we wake up, life is not as easy as it seems.
These fake ideals are why humanity is ripping at the seams.



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Luck had not favoured our love
by A.K Jaisingh

Years went by,
Barnet of black have turned a ish hoary,
Youth has been decreasing,
Visage of fascination has turned to the face of a weeping philosopher having creases,
But the faith in you that you will return someday has not yet deceased in the coldness of Time.
I remember the day when you
Came to me holding a crimson garb for me, for love had brought down the curtains of faith in your heart, for I had pledged you that I will never let your heart fragment again.
I remember that day when you believed me and held my hand tight for my mortal orbs had dispatched the message of love to the port of your heart.
I still remember that moment when crave of food had driven both of us mad but your care for me, your love for me which you proved when you handed over the stuff to me and asked me to eat it first and then give you the remnants of it.
But luck had not favoured our love instead it favoured those ragamuffins and wrongdoers of the so called society who tend to protect the pride of their culture, where we were separated for the difference in our caste.


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Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
by Hébert Logerie

Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america

Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa


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A Mistake in God’s Perfect Creation
by Christine Kuruvilla

The light will fade, darkness will engulf,
And when it's over you will not hear the cries,
Of a child who tried to hide from their words and eyes,
Burrowing himself under a pool of lies

Or the faint whisper of pain that rang in the corridors.
Or the tears that stained the broken walls,
Or the screams that echoed behind his closed door,
Or the blood that dripped on the bathroom floor.


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Recent Discrimination Poems
When The Law Shut Down Your Dreams
by Christen Kuikoua

In a world where I am Christen Kuikoua,
Yet each day, I question if it's truly me.
I can act, sing, and model with passion,
But my dreams face a relentless decree.

Every aspiration met with a crushing sound,
As though someone's there to pull me down.
It's a daily struggle, a living hell,
Where critiques and judgments persist and swell.


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Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA

Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants


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Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
by Hébert Logerie

Under The Bridge In Del Rio, Texas USA
Under the bridge in Del Rio are stopped, stuck, stationed
Thousands of migrant Haitians, not Ukrainians
Frankly, if they were the latter, they wouldn’t be sanctioned
Detained, abased, mistreated and deported like Haitians
Like herds of cattle to detention centers in Mexico or in their Homeland
It’s asinine, sad, odious, and repugnant to see the barbaric treatments
And humiliations inflicted on them by the Border Patrol agents
Who themselves are descendants of poor and once desperate migrants
Migrants, like all of us, are simply seeking a better life on a different land


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Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
by Hébert Logerie

Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america

Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa


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Bajo El Puente Del Río, Texas, USA
by Hébert Logerie

Bajo el puente Del Río están parados, atascados, estacionados

Miles de inmigrantes Haitianos, no Ucranianos

Francamente, si fueran estos últimos, no serían sancionados

Detenidos, humillados, maltratados y deportados como Haitianos

Como rebaños de ganado a centros de detención en México o en su Patria


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