Leveling up on serpentine curves —
Dust-coated and desiccated — crossroads:
Inebriated with floods, one length;
Darkened with fumes of a puking mountain,
The other stretch;
Gale-powdered face of one breath stares at the
Rumbling belly of the fourth.
Within this rattling of the metals above
And the heavenly grumbles, the grey void
The waterholes, frayed, loosened, dispatched . . .
Now, silences lose their grips.
It rains and there’s deep slumber
Tents’ pegs are mocked by watermud, recasting
Shadows of the primitive nights on days’ weakened rays
Silences, except for the rhythm known when it rains.
Written in the Book of Rain,
with a specimen of clouds,
a common quill feather
whiter than the teeth of
voyaging sharks,
fluttering from the seventh chamber,
scribbles this short prophecyꓽ
And when it rains,
Written in the Book of Rain,
with a specimen of clouds,
a common quill feather
whiter than the teeth of
voyaging sharks,
fluttering from the seventh chamber,
scribbles this short prophecyꓽ
And when it rains,
Within this rattling of the metals above
And the heavenly grumbles, the grey void
The waterholes, frayed, loosened, dispatched . . .
Now, silences lose their grips.
It rains and there’s deep slumber
Tents’ pegs are mocked by watermud, recasting
Shadows of the primitive nights on days’ weakened rays
Silences, except for the rhythm known when it rains.
Leveling up on serpentine curves —
Dust-coated and desiccated — crossroads:
Inebriated with floods, one length;
Darkened with fumes of a puking mountain,
The other stretch;
Gale-powdered face of one breath stares at the
Rumbling belly of the fourth.