Devils Poems

Popular Devils Poems
by Suhaila Bawar

It feels like the end .
They are painting me paler
dead white .
I am fine , i pretend
But got caught in mid night

devils were humming in my garden ,
And i froze
Like million thrones covered one rose.


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My room
by Suhaila Bawar

Carless death ,
laying on my bed.
Sitting in the corner of my room ,
my knees below my head.

The blackness gleams
And I'm trying to get up on my feet.
And the sorrow beams
in every mournful tear my eyes greet.
Entirely lit up with pain ,


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Recent Devils Poems
by Suhaila Bawar

It feels like the end .
They are painting me paler
dead white .
I am fine , i pretend
But got caught in mid night

devils were humming in my garden ,
And i froze
Like million thrones covered one rose.


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My room
by Suhaila Bawar

Carless death ,
laying on my bed.
Sitting in the corner of my room ,
my knees below my head.

The blackness gleams
And I'm trying to get up on my feet.
And the sorrow beams
in every mournful tear my eyes greet.
Entirely lit up with pain ,


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Devils From Members
  • Suhaila Bawar
    Suhaila Bawar (2 poems about Devils)
    July 23 , 2003 - Afghanistan