Desert Poems

Popular Desert Poems
Good morning, fair cardinal –
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Good morning, fair cardinal –
How are you?
How are your children?
Your plumage is nearly outdone
By the sun’s golden hue.

The mattress is firm –
My blanket is coolly sheer.
What’s that?
Come outside, be with us?


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Triolet #1
by Amy Michelle Mosier

The Arizona Queen of the Night –
She is a most mysterious flower –
The one seen dancing in the moonlight.
The Arizona Queen of the Night –
In a pale gown, appears near June’s height.
Have you been lucky enough to see her –
The Arizona Queen of the Night?
She is a most mysterious flower.

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Spring days like these
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Spring days like these
Were made for katie ruellia –
Who is royalty among flowers –
Robed delicately in purple.
She's arrived at the festivities –
The trumpeters blow a sennet.
Her crown is the leaves;
The butterflies – her subjects.

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Glowing by the moonlight pallor
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Glowing by the moonlight pallor
Are the circles of coyote eyes
Hovering above ground - pair by pair -
Wandering like restless sprights
Seeking for one who's lost their way.

Their banter touches my heartbeat;
My stunted breath rolls out - and I -
I'm glad for their roving company
Near my small chasm where I hide -


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Like a sparkling Roman candle –
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Like a sparkling Roman candle –
Parry’s penstemon dots the canyon.
Oh, what deep purple bells!
That decorate the trail along

Where pebblestones were swept aside
And sway with the breeze –
Not to elicit a reaction
But to accompany green.

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Recent Desert Poems
Color my small world -
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Color my small world -
Oh, fair Yeshua -
With a streak of globe mallow
Inside a rocky draw

And the morning calm
Of bergamot and lupine -
So I can stop time
And set my gaze upon them -


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Rather than talking to walls –
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Rather than talking to walls –
I’d prefer a saguaro
For the wisdom they know.
Centuries – they come and go –
Leaving mysteries unsolved

And the traditions Loss mourns
Told through centenarian eyes
Could straighten crooked lies
With some persuasion – surprise! –


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Cool Duskiness
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Intense thirst in the sweltering desert,
yet, the emerald succulents still thrive;
for surviving, often takes extra effort.
Intense thirst in the sweltering desert,
Then cool moon arrives, as if pressured.
A beautiful, flowering cacti night, alive!
Intense thirst in the sweltering desert,
yet, the emerald succulents still thrive.

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I see the green of the desert
by Amy Michelle Mosier

I see the green of the desert
That overcomes the brown –
Clinging to ground and water –

And with gentle affection –
It might reveal some color
Like a yellow persuasion.

I feel the fermenting sun
Calling out the vultures


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Glowing by the moonlight pallor
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Glowing by the moonlight pallor
Are the circles of coyote eyes
Hovering above ground - pair by pair -
Wandering like restless sprights
Seeking for one who's lost their way.

Their banter touches my heartbeat;
My stunted breath rolls out - and I -
I'm glad for their roving company
Near my small chasm where I hide -


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