Democracy of poets Poems

Popular Democracy of poets Poems
a friday night spent otherwise
by Matthew Conrad

in the democracy of poets - what better way to save
myself from despair than to mingle
a reading of walt whitman with...
a snippet of a biography turned into an essay
on the "topic" of Karl Tierney...
a perfect friday night, it would seem,
i've left all my crossword / sudoku puzzle muddles
in the back of the man:
as i write this, i am pretty sure they have
added to the one great aspiration i've always


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Recent Democracy of poets Poems
a friday night spent otherwise
by Matthew Conrad

in the democracy of poets - what better way to save
myself from despair than to mingle
a reading of walt whitman with...
a snippet of a biography turned into an essay
on the "topic" of Karl Tierney...
a perfect friday night, it would seem,
i've left all my crossword / sudoku puzzle muddles
in the back of the man:
as i write this, i am pretty sure they have
added to the one great aspiration i've always


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