Deaf Poems

Popular Deaf Poems
A Death That Grieves No Stranger
by Patti Masterman

A death that grieves no stranger
Is witless as a mouth
That deaf eyes do not fathom
Mute singleness of route
As pines a troubled forest
For signs of seeded quarry
We herald the dumbest signpost
To break the traveler's story

A death that grieves no stranger


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Recent Deaf Poems
A Death That Grieves No Stranger
by Patti Masterman

A death that grieves no stranger
Is witless as a mouth
That deaf eyes do not fathom
Mute singleness of route
As pines a troubled forest
For signs of seeded quarry
We herald the dumbest signpost
To break the traveler's story

A death that grieves no stranger


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