Daydream Poems

Popular Daydream Poems
by Arthur Fox

His eyes were always bigger than his head,

Dreams swirled,

Interrupted reality.

All he had to do was look.

Like there, squeezed between two chairs,


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facing the dark corner
by Bogdan Dragos

the old lady didn’t mind being
called crazy

or being laughed at for
spending her days
in her small cottage
facing the dark corner
of the room and
talking to


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nothing good on TV for 18 years
by Bogdan Dragos

there's nothing good on TV
when you're in
a crap mood

"Shit," he thought. "Nothing's gonna be
good on TV for
the next 18 years. At least."

he sighed
and shifted his position on


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value of time
by Bogdan Dragos

his eyes looked fresh out of
a hardcore crying

I walked up to him
and asked what
was wrong

He showed me his phone and
what I saw were pictures of some


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lovely hands
by Bogdan Dragos

there's been a collection of
dark thoughts lately

and he was
studying it from the comfort
of his bed

The other day he found a good pillow
in the dumpster


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Recent Daydream Poems
7. Another hero's story told
by Kea(ton) Campbell

Another hero's story told,
By another three mourning souls.
The last story of the hero sold:
"She pulled us out, but her lungs couldn't hold."
Another car wasted in the deep end,
Beside another body at the cost of three friends.
Of all in black who stare down the grave,
Only three visit every single day.


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by Annisa Dwi Afika

Rest my exhausted form and daydreamed for a period of time
Blurry vision and a throbbing pain pierce through
Would i even want to experience this again?
Enchanting sunsets and palette of orange skies
Hypnotized to stay, just for one more night
Darkest night with the shiniest stars
Upon the moon's veiled absence, stellar constellation takes the role
A meadow with various wildflower
Blue canvas along the horizon
Intertwined hands, captivated by the beauty of the moment


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by Arthur Fox

His eyes were always bigger than his head,

Dreams swirled,

Interrupted reality.

All he had to do was look.

Like there, squeezed between two chairs,


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facing the dark corner
by Bogdan Dragos

the old lady didn’t mind being
called crazy

or being laughed at for
spending her days
in her small cottage
facing the dark corner
of the room and
talking to


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A Corner of the Garden
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In a corner of the garden,
I soak up the morning sun,
And I see a purple martin,
Singing 'til day is done!

Jasmine and orange roses,
Lend scent to sunshiny air.
Pink lilacs and primroses,
Allow the daydream flair!

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