Day Poems

Popular Day Poems
Violet Sundance
by Kirsten Sanders

Amid the vestiges of indigo nocturne,
The sky reverberates with anticipation.

The gradual rhythm of light
Breathes order and motion
Under the receding cloak
Of the once reigning night.

A solar sliver slips:
Belly to the horizon,


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Day Glitter
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

brighteners of smiles
floral flares of citron day
many blithe colors

sparkle the sunshine
glow on in the garden green
twinkle of the eyes

flush days of the blooms
lining the natural paths


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Warm Wednesday
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

daytime in August
in the middle of the week
scents of lavender

the sun came golden
on dinnerplate dahlias
blooming in all hues

afternoon August
weekday wandering in sun


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I'm Only Dreaming
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In the midst of hubbub, at the verge of one hectic June,
I see myriad diamond stars, and ruby sun under the moon,
As viewed from a planet of jade green with sapphire blue,
Covered by pearly clouds, vanishing in moon's silver hue!

But I am only dreaming, for it is the middle of the day,
And from sunshine I have wandered, into night's doorway,
And the golden sun has set behind the scenes in my mind,
Only to reemerge as I wake, leaving night's riches behind!

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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

gold pink orange dawn
rise up refreshed in sunshine
like a fragrant bloom

in torrid noon hour
emerald green and jaded
birds sing to summer

reds mauves turn dusky
shadows lengthen into night


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Recent Day Poems
Violet Sundance
by Kirsten Sanders

Amid the vestiges of indigo nocturne,
The sky reverberates with anticipation.

The gradual rhythm of light
Breathes order and motion
Under the receding cloak
Of the once reigning night.

A solar sliver slips:
Belly to the horizon,


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by Kailey Norris

Why does the sky stay lit after a sunset?
Before a sunrise?
If the light is below our horizon,
how is it still seen?
Where does the black of night come from?
When does a star go from invisible to shining brightly?


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On A Rainy Day
by Pijush Biswas

The sky is overcast with cloud-
The sun knows not where his pride lays;
A stolid day among untiring days.
Continuous thunders, or sounds, loud-
Make the day untrim
Dark and dim.

The Earth looks gloomy under veil
'Tis nothing but fearful symmetry
Can do him deviated from beauty


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A New Day, Somewhere On Earth
by Hébert Logerie

Somewhere on earth, there is a new day
Somewhere on earth, people get paid
A new day has less than twenty four hours
Earth orbits around the sun 366.2499 days a year
Which brings hope, joy, love, and despair
The future encompasses several flairs
Of new days. As long as there is life
There is a new day for the wife
To talk about. Tomorrow is of course a new day
However, people rarely talk about a new night


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Day Glitter
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

brighteners of smiles
floral flares of citron day
many blithe colors

sparkle the sunshine
glow on in the garden green
twinkle of the eyes

flush days of the blooms
lining the natural paths


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