A town without a name
I didn't come to be pat of the frame
no one thought the same.
Street full of empty people
whose thoughts were private longing to be public
but fear arrived
Yet another empty ride.
A girl I thought I saw before
although I knew I was mistaken
someone elses picture taken.
First, fast and fittest
Countless sperms crawl in the ovum
Of the pregnant platform;
They carry the large baggage
Of their responsibility
Trying to come into the crowded pits
Of chugging bogies
Or gliding out of suffocating air
To live alive, survive and stay proven
The first, the fast and the fittest.
A town without a name
I didn't come to be pat of the frame
no one thought the same.
Street full of empty people
whose thoughts were private longing to be public
but fear arrived
Yet another empty ride.
A girl I thought I saw before
although I knew I was mistaken
someone elses picture taken.
First, fast and fittest
Countless sperms crawl in the ovum
Of the pregnant platform;
They carry the large baggage
Of their responsibility
Trying to come into the crowded pits
Of chugging bogies
Or gliding out of suffocating air
To live alive, survive and stay proven
The first, the fast and the fittest.