Critiques pls Poems

Popular Critiques pls Poems
District W - 21.8.23
by Scott Sowerby

The lights from the station platform,
Flicker on the floor of the carriage,
As the train pulls away into the dark.

My fingers and toes counteract,
The toing, and froing, pushing
Hard into the floor. The handrail

Crumples and deforms under,
The squeezing of my hand. White


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Recent Critiques pls Poems
District W - 21.8.23
by Scott Sowerby

The lights from the station platform,
Flicker on the floor of the carriage,
As the train pulls away into the dark.

My fingers and toes counteract,
The toing, and froing, pushing
Hard into the floor. The handrail

Crumples and deforms under,
The squeezing of my hand. White


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  • Scott Sowerby
    Scott Sowerby (1 poems about Critiques pls)
    August 18, '97 - Yorkshire