Criticism Poems

Popular Criticism Poems
Yayu's AI Criticism
by Yayu Uppsurya

In criticism's gaze, a scythe, a sculptor's hand,
It carves the marble of our soul, it maims.
A specter 'mongst the living, stark and grand,
It whispers, "Perfection's breath is but a flame."

The critic stands 'pon pedestal of ice,
With quill a sword, in ink, he draws his blood.
Yet, in this dance of death, what form of vice
Lurks 'neath the veil of words that cut like mud?


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Recent Criticism Poems
Yayu's AI Criticism
by Yayu Uppsurya

In criticism's gaze, a scythe, a sculptor's hand,
It carves the marble of our soul, it maims.
A specter 'mongst the living, stark and grand,
It whispers, "Perfection's breath is but a flame."

The critic stands 'pon pedestal of ice,
With quill a sword, in ink, he draws his blood.
Yet, in this dance of death, what form of vice
Lurks 'neath the veil of words that cut like mud?


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