Crispr Poems

Popular Crispr Poems
"Nothing is changing"
by Prem Sarito

Three generations
From a double helix X-ray
To what happens if we cut... just here?
We are transforming into gods
Roaring into the abyss.

Tres generaciones
De una radiografía de doble hélice a
¿Qué pasa si cortamos... justo aquí?
Nos estamos transformando en dioses.


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Recent Crispr Poems
"Nothing is changing"
by Prem Sarito

Three generations
From a double helix X-ray
To what happens if we cut... just here?
We are transforming into gods
Roaring into the abyss.

Tres generaciones
De una radiografía de doble hélice a
¿Qué pasa si cortamos... justo aquí?
Nos estamos transformando en dioses.


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