Cottage Poems

Popular Cottage Poems
The Cottage in the Blooms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The cottage near the wood is crowded in blooms,
Its creamy facade is enlivened with many hues;
And large vases of flowers grace several rooms.

Joy throughout the days with the delicate fumes,
and legendary exotic, natural splendor issues.
The cottage near the wood is crowded in blooms.

Redbirds sing gold sunshine, or of pearly moons,
Nature creates beautiful at the merest excuse,


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Recent Cottage Poems
The Cottage in the Blooms
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The cottage near the wood is crowded in blooms,
Its creamy facade is enlivened with many hues;
And large vases of flowers grace several rooms.

Joy throughout the days with the delicate fumes,
and legendary exotic, natural splendor issues.
The cottage near the wood is crowded in blooms.

Redbirds sing gold sunshine, or of pearly moons,
Nature creates beautiful at the merest excuse,


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