Corona Poems

Popular Corona Poems
As the darkness grips us (COVID-19)
by Aman Chowdhry

Oh my gosh! We played with mother nature,
& now mankind is under threat.
Tust me! If we don’t join hands,
very little will be left to regret.

This darkness is not new,
we have come a long way.
Mantaining hygine and no socialising,
is all the way to practise each day.


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Corona: Mankind vs Nature
by Siddhi Beri

The word “Corona” definitely scares us,
But for nature it is a big plus.

For months, it bound people at home,
But other creatures enjoyed their real freedom.

For months, it gave mankind lot of tears,
But true blue sky can be seen after many years.

For months, it stopped individuals intervene,


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Hidden Enemy
by Chandra Pathakoti

A hidden enemy is waging war on Human Kind?
Viciously attacking us from behind?
Is nefarious ploys nature of this predator?
Are Veiled attacks on us is its character?

Who is this evil monster disguised in devil form?
Who is this demon dislodging our strength with spell of dreadful storm?
Who is this marauder throwing vicious blows?
Who is it? No one knows? Faster it comes and faster it grows, our woes


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Lamentations of A Free Inmate
by Ololade Raji

It was indeed a long night, as many tossed and turned in a dreamless void. Yet, for the fifth moon in the year of the virus, I would rather remain locked down

Lest you shed my piteous fate another tear, know my lot in life is a little better than the isolated souls in stealthy battle with death. And of those quarantined only to the tiny quotas for the breath of life, but who would rather trade in such direness for an instant demise

It is any and every soul in this oubliette who has been locked up but with doors ajar. Seers say with the bliss of a century comes agonies in an annual crisis of pains. Yet, mortality in these days of May may be more than those in prior months of His unmerited mercies

Let those who still long for the new decade’s daydreams now appreciate the post-pandemic possibilities of a new norm and...

Let those who eventually live to tell the tale, share with generations the wrath of the minutely unseen, for this dreary night of nightmares is utterly devoid of a wink of deep sleep


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Shoulders To Cry On
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

Deaths of young people, near and dear ones,
Their dead bodies float in mourning rivers
While we helplessly watch ourselves
Being carried away by uncontrolled tears.

They die in hospitals, built for saving lives,
And we stay back home or in quarantines,
Practising the precautionary measures
While honoring the helpless govt. guidelines.


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Recent Corona Poems
Shoulders To Cry On
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

Deaths of young people, near and dear ones,
Their dead bodies float in mourning rivers
While we helplessly watch ourselves
Being carried away by uncontrolled tears.

They die in hospitals, built for saving lives,
And we stay back home or in quarantines,
Practising the precautionary measures
While honoring the helpless govt. guidelines.


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by Rafiq Pasha

हमारा पहुँचना क़ब्रिस्तान महस था एक इत्तिफ़ाक़
देखा मुतवफफी लहद में लेटे थे छोड़कर आफ़ाक़

आसमान में डूबते सूरज कि बिखरती लाली ये कहे
परिंदे लौट आए अपने घोसले भूलकर सब निफाक़

चारो ओर उदासी छाई हूवी थी, चहरे थे फ़िक्री
जानेवालो कि सिफ्र रहजाएगी यादो के औराक़

करोना का अजीब दौर था जब मौत होगई थी सस्ती


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Corona: Mankind vs Nature
by Siddhi Beri

The word “Corona” definitely scares us,
But for nature it is a big plus.

For months, it bound people at home,
But other creatures enjoyed their real freedom.

For months, it gave mankind lot of tears,
But true blue sky can be seen after many years.

For months, it stopped individuals intervene,


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by Man Mryt

So .

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The Time of Terror
by Japman Aneja

I saw the sun rise from beneath the ground,
And bring a time of sunshine and cheer around,
When children played around and the nature danced to its own beat,
When birds sung their melodies and butterflies came to greet,

But this joy soon faded away and the fun seemed to cease,
When the clouds stormed over and the rain destroyed the nature’s peace,
The children stopped playing and nature showed its rage,
The sky growled, the thunder rumbled and everyone returned to their cage,


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Corona From Members
  • Chandra Pathakoti
    Chandra Pathakoti (1 poems about Corona)
    June 26th, 1972 - Hyderabad, India
  • Aman Chowdhry
    Aman Chowdhry (1 poem about Corona)
    Born in New Delhi May 30, 1979
  • akhlesh tomar
    akhlesh tomar (1 poems about Corona)
    I'm From Mandi Bamora,Vidisha. My DOB 19.08.1993
  • Ujjawal Gaur
    Ujjawal Gaur (1 poem about Corona)
    May 12, 1996 - India
  • Japman Aneja
    Japman Aneja (1 poems about Corona)
    February 18, 2006 - Chandigarh, India
  • Siddhi Beri
    Siddhi Beri (1 poems about Corona)
    January 01,2009
  • Man Mryt
    Man Mryt (1 poems about Corona)
    Just a learner
  • Rafiq Pasha
    Rafiq Pasha (1 poems about Corona)