Concert Poems

Popular Concert Poems
The Yellow Sweater (Fr. Sting)
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

It hangs in my closet
And I wonder If it still fits
I can remember the first time I wore it
The end of September nineteen eighty-five
I had just turned fifteen
And you went solo that year
I was in the front row waving my arms
Shouting "I love you"
But yr reply was "Shut up and sit down"
Then I had a complete meltdown


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Recent Concert Poems
The Yellow Sweater (Fr. Sting)
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

It hangs in my closet
And I wonder If it still fits
I can remember the first time I wore it
The end of September nineteen eighty-five
I had just turned fifteen
And you went solo that year
I was in the front row waving my arms
Shouting "I love you"
But yr reply was "Shut up and sit down"
Then I had a complete meltdown


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